OceanWide Seaweed

Our project is focussed on the development and testing of an innovative farming method for the edible red algae Dulse (Palmaria Palmata), which is increasingly demanded in Europe and North America. This is mainly driven by the seaweed´s broad applications. It is one of the fastest growing and most nutritious plants on earth, while being capable of effectively supporting ocean sequestration (capturing CO2 emissions). Here, the United Nations has a strong interest to cultivate it on a large scale, as it benefits humans through one of the most sustainable food sources and nature through lowering ocean acidity rates, while providing marine habitats and enhancing the local marine biodiversity. Climate change is the main aspect for the increasing demand for it, as it is expected that the global food production has to be increased by approximately 60%, to provide nutritious food to the expected 9.8 billion people.